About Me

Be where you are, otherwise you will miss your life.



Wednesday, 25 January 2012


kalau cuti,tak sah la kan kalau tak berjumpa
oh hooo wajib!
rasa lega dh jumpa lepa nieee,baru la boley balik shah alam!
*alaaaaa,cuti nk habes dh..hurhhh =.='*

thanks pijah for the advance bufday gift..heeeeee! sume sama tauuu.. :p 
dh ada byk menda sama! yeayyy

orang sibuk menjaga brang brang boypren bagi segala kan,kiteorang?hehehe
jaga barang yang bestfweennn bagiiii..heeeeee! :D

both of you who always shares the good times and help me out by listening during my bad times 
thank youuuu...aku syg hampa dua =D

we are not sarcastic,we are hilarious 
we are not annoying,we are just cooler than you
we are not bitches,we just dont like you
and lastly we are not obsessed,we are just BEST FRIENDS

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